minimum salary

美 [ˈmɪnɪməm ˈsæləri]英 [ˈmɪnɪməm ˈsæləri]
  • 最低工资
minimum salaryminimum salary
  1. The minimum salary could not even cover the commuter costs .


  2. It pays a worker the salary that is lower than the local minimum salary ;


  3. What is your minimum salary requirement at this time ?


  4. I want to use this as the minimum salary for my next job .


  5. and a minimum salary of $ 254000 is required to afford an average-priced home .


  6. " We will seriously punish those who fail to adopt the new minimum salary standard ," he warned .


  7. And if you 're not going to meet their minimum salary requirements , then they are going to hire somebody who will .


  8. The employers'payment for remuneration as specified in the labor contracts and abidance by the minimum salary standards ;


  9. All local governments should make necessary adjustments to the minimum salary system and implement it strictly , and introduce a minimum hourly wage system .


  10. South China 's Guangdong Province will raise its minimum salary levels in September , in attempt to make the province a more appealing destination for migrant workers .


  11. " Guangdong will once again lead the way in minimum salary levels ," Fang told a press conference in Guangzhou , capital of Guangdong Province , yesterday .


  12. That would jump to $ 2.2 million with a higher minimum salary - offsetting a $ 1 million bump in the NBA 's salary cap .


  13. In these cases , the team pays the player at the minimum salary level for a four-year veteran , and the League pays the remainder .


  14. Veterans can negotiate their own contracts as free agents , while young players must accept what their team pays them as long as it meets the minimum salary .


  15. The figure is more than twice the average monthly income of Shanghai employees last year , which is 4,331 yuan , and six times the minimum salary in Shanghai , at 1,450 yuan .


  16. Really a tough journey for rose , suffered so many injuries , now get paid for minimum salary for cavs , hopefully he can rise again , at least keep healthy for the rest of his career .


  17. During their probationary working period , " employers must pay their employees no less than 80 percent of the monthly salary stated in the job contract , and no less than the local minimum salary standard ," said Liu .


  18. It would require a major pay cut if he were waived and signed as a free agent , as the Lakers only have approximately $ 6 million and otherwise have only minimum salary roster spots left ( $ 2.4 million for a veteran like Anthony ) .
